Bamboo Dream

Building a house in Lombok and working in Bangkok?

Building a house in Lombok and working in Bangkok?

Why not!

The decision of building a house in Lombok was made very quickly. But we didn´t want to start building immediately. Before this, we wanted to live and work in another Asian country for a while.

Bangkok was the winner.

Thailand looked like a great opportunity to experience Asia in a different way. This time, in the middle of Thai Kingdom and become a part of multicultural Bangkok.

Bangkok is an energetic city which is alive during the day and also at night. It is called „A City of Angels“. It is a magical place which is interesting for its history, culture, food and more.

In spite of endless traffic jams, huge number of people and some dirty and smelly tiny streets, Bangkok is an amazing city which deserves to get all the superlatives.

But I didn´t find it easy for myself in Bangkok.

Especially at the beginning when I saw those big traffic jams on the roads and the strong sun and humidity was killing me.

There were quite a number of moments when I was pretty sure that I couldn´t make it. I was thinking of buying a flight ticket and going somewhere else.

On the other hand, I didn´t want to give up. That wouldn´t be my style.

I wanted to give it a try.

I was missing Lombok, its nature and beauty. I wanted to feel the breeze coming from the ocean and giving me a cold kiss in that damn hot weather.

The air was still in Bangkok as there were too many skyscrapers everywhere. Hot streets were almost melting under the strong burning sun. Only places with good AC could save you.

It took me a few months to get use to this place and to fall in love with it.

I lived there almost for 2 years. I found a great job in my field as a therapist and I did the stuff I loved. We lived in a big apartment in the heart of Bangkok so in fact, I couldn´t have complained.

In spite of a difficult beginning, suddenly there was a moment when I fell in love with Bangkok completely. I do not know how it exactly happened but it happened.

When I am looking back, I can see Bangkok as a beautiful place and I often think about it.

I cannot wait when I come back for a while and I will visit my favourite parks, restaurants and coffee shops… Compared to our jungle life in Lombok, this will be a great contrast!

There is one important experience which I gained in Bangkok:

It doesn´t matter how the beginning looked like.

It is much more important how does it come out in the end.

If we don´t like something, try give it a chance. So we can feel great when we get over it. Otherwise we could miss this feeling.

Believe me, I know what I am talking about here. Some times in Bangkok were hard for me. But I enjoyed the end even more when I knew that I am leaving one of my beloved places in the world where I will always want to come back.

A life in the city of angels has made me stronger and I found the skills inside me which I wasn´t aware of before.

You might be in a similar situation right now. You might experience something what is hard for you and you want to give it up.

Please, let me tell you one thing: don´t do it. Or at least not now.

Let´s give it a chance and you will see how it goes.

You might find out by the time in your future that if you had left, it wouldn´t be the right choice.

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