Bamboo Dream

Autistic kids in Bangkok

Autistic kids in Bangkok

When you finally decide to go abroad and find a job there, I would say the best possible scenario would be to try and find it in your field of expertise. Well, if you don’t hate your current job and you really want to do it of course.

When I was getting ready to go to Bangkok few years ago I knew that I wanna keep doing what I am doing.

Few months of searching through various websites and some google search I was trying to find some great international centers, that were hiring occupational therapists. I found a few, but without a Thai certification they couldn’t hire me.

Thanks to my education I can also work as a teacher, I’ve decided to start teaching in Bangkok, because that is a very easy way how to get a decent job.

Job with great conditions and good salary.

Website that was most than helpful in my search for teaching job in Thailand was:

If you are interested in finding a teaching job in south east Asian countries, go and try this site.

I flew to Bangkok with an understanding and expectations that I would be going to interviews to local kindergartens and schools and that I will find some job shortly for sure. I wasn’t concerned that as a non-native speaker this would be some disadvantage for me since my English is good and I knew I can make it.

Just to be sure I went through a TEFL course so that I could have an internationally acknowledged course which could help me in my future job search.

Even before my flight to Thailand I already arranged an interview. Nothing was for certain. I was sure that the best way how to get a job would be to do it there in person.

I packed my huge bag and went to meet Honza who was already waiting in Bangkok.

Just few hours after my arrival I went on my first job interview to English kindergarten. They hired me.

I had made my peace with me being an English teacher for young kids, and that I will take this instead of pursuing my own profession in being therapist, but then something happened. Something that changed my life forever, and even now I feel those butterflies in my stomach.

In one spare moment I just tried and searched for some job offers in occupational therapy. And suddenly there was one position, just made to be mine.

Teacher/therapist for autistic kids in center of Bangkok. Five minutes from our apartment.

Newly set up international center for kids with special needs focusing on autism!

I had to pinch myself in that moment so I could be sure I’m not dreaming. I didn’t need much thinking and I went for it.

I just knew I need to do that.

Next day I went to an interview and in just few days they let me know that I was the one they chose to become a part of their team.

Understandably I didn’t go for that teaching job in English kindergarten and I signed the contract in that autistic center with absolute certainty.

It was difficult from the beginning, even though I had some job experience from autistic center in Prague, Czech Republic.

I had a quite difficult autistic boy in my class, violent in every of his intense seizures.

Such seizures were several in one day.

Chairs flying in the air, sometimes almost even the other kids.

Philippe was that one boy that completely got attached my heart to autism.

I work with autists until today and this is the group of people that I fell in love with.

After two years working there I underwent all possible situations. I gained his respect and love and he did mine.

Every time when my life in Bangkok got hard, I immediately remembered this little guy and I got into such a strong and determined mood.

I just knew that my life in Bangkok had a major purpose and nothing happened as a coincidence. I personally think, there are no coincidences.

I just was in the right place at the right time.

And I am sure that this is how it is for all of us and life guides us to that place we need to go.

Maybe it’s YOU right now, who hears the calling of a new and fresh job opportunity from abroad and is searching for ways how to get on track!

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