Bamboo Dream

Tropical Palace for the Price of a Garage in London IS COMING

Tropical Palace for the Price of a Garage in London IS COMING


It’s finally here! For some of you who have been waiting for my e-book “Tropical Palace for the Price of a Garage in London” for several months, I finally have some good news. In just the matter of days I will begin the sale of my new e-book and you will be first to get the chance to read it!

The book has several layers, and that’s why I decided to write this article to explain what it is all about. Many of you already know a lot since you follow me online so this is going to be kind of a review but I think you will all appreciate it and maybe even find some new details that you missed previously.

E-book “Tropical Palace for the Price of a Garage in London” came to light as a reaction to huge amount of questions that I’ve been getting during all those years.

Most of the questions started to come because of the construction of the bamboo house on an exotic island of Lombok in Indonesia. I saw that this topic is for most of you pretty new and unexplored and that is why I began to write. After a year, everything is finally ready. E-book, website, and if that is not enough I created all of this both in Czech and also in English, because I know that many of you don’t speak Czech.

It wasn’t easy because during that process I was constantly finding out that I am a real perfectionist and keen to details more that I thought. So this process got much longer thanks to all of that and it took me more time than I first expected and I apologize to anyone who was expecting my book much sooner. I just can’t finish stuff until it is really perfect. I believe that now the final version is something you will be satisfied with!

It is important for me to give you complex information.

So the book is not only about the construction itself but about plenty of other things that go along with it.

At the beginning you will find out how this idea came to light and why. What was behind all of that. And maybe you will find something important for yourselves between the lines as well.

The most important “stuff” is the technical manual on how to build a bamboo house in Indonesia. You will find out about prices for material and work, how to treat bamboo and what not to forget. I also share my ideas why I think that this type of building has a purpose.

Part of this e-book is also about how to get a land in Indonesia and the price evolution in time. Why should you know all the technical stuff if you have no idea on how to start and find the land. I haven’t forgot about that as well and my e-book has all important details and recommendations. I will also give you tips on how to deal with Indonesian authorities or companies that I worked with and I know that it works.

At the same time, the „idea“ goes through the entire book – that we all can live a little differently and that it brings clear benefits, which I also describe there.

Who among us doesn’t think about ecology, sustainability, personal satisfaction and fulfillment, but also about the clever management of our money, right?

Especially today, when the world is literally going crazy.

In addition, all these points are dominated by the most important one. FREEDOM.

All these points described above are very intertwined and essentially indistinguishable.

All this together makes a jigsaw puzzle that is more colorful than we think.

I wish you to enjoy the book and get exactly what you need to bring to your life. I believe that all readers will find something for themselves in it.


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